Macarons – Easier than you think!

25 Mar

I was meandering around Paris this past October with one of my dearest friends, and I made sure to pick up a giant box of macarons while we were there. I ate some there (probably more than I should have) and oh, so carefully brought the rest back to Amsterdam to share with my boyfriend. Since then, I’ve been wanting to have a go at making them myself.

But then. The blogs. The horror stories. Book after book on the “best” way, the “true” way, the “authentic” way of creating the perfect macaron. I was intrigued by a post on Foodgawker from BraveTart called “Macaron Mythbusters”.

Motivated by the astute myth-busting and with a renewed sense of confidence, I decided to have a go. Cold egg whites, no resting once piped…and you know what, it worked!

Vanilla macarons with dark chocolate ganache

The shells had a smooth top, with the airy and chewy texture that makes a good macaron melt in your mouth. Not all the macarons came out with the lovely little feet, and they had little hats on top because I didn’t have the correct piping tip, but still, pretty good for a first try!

A pretty plate of heaven

So BraveTart, you were right! Thanks for debunking the anxiety and fear that comes with making macarons. I’m excited to make more!

4 Responses to “Macarons – Easier than you think!”

  1. Steve March 25, 2011 at 5:21 pm #

    They look fantastic! x

  2. Stella March 25, 2011 at 5:25 pm #

    Congratulations!!! They are quite adorable, I’m so happy my post encouraged you to give it a go. They will just get easier from here, too. Cheers!

  3. Alice March 26, 2011 at 2:48 pm #

    they look so good!

  4. rollingpinsandneedles March 28, 2011 at 7:54 pm #

    These look adorable! Well done, brilliant results. Thanks for your comment in my blog btw – look forward to seeing more of your macarons!

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